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  • The 20th PTA AGM and Parent-Teacher Interflow 第二十屆家長教師會周年會員大會暨家校交流會

The 20th PTA AGM and Parent-Teacher Interflow 第二十屆家長教師會周年會員大會暨家校交流會

Date: 20/11/2019

The 20th Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting of Pope Paul VI College was ]held on 26th October 2019. The AGM was followed by a series of thematic talks in different forms and meetings with class teachers.

  • To cater for the different needs of our students, a series of talks were organized for parents. To let parents understand how their children were adapting to their secondary school life, class teachers of S.1 and S.2 produced videos and photo slide shows of students in various school activities.

  • As the choice of subjects was one of the major concerns of S.3 students and parents, a talk on strategies of choosing electives in Senior Secondary Forms was organized by members of the Academic Committee and the Careers Section.

  •  The PTA invited Mr. Ng Po Shing from Hok Yau Club to give our S.4 to S.6 students and parents a talk on “Multiple Pathways in the New Senior Secondary Structure” at the Hall. 

More than 700 parents and students participated in the AGM and the talks. After the talks, parents had a chance to converse with the class teachers of their daughters to understand how their kids are learning at school. Feedback from parents, teachers and students on the above talks and meetings were highly positive. The PTA will continue to strive our best to act as a bridge between parents and the school in the future.




  •  中一和中二级:家長可以欣賞同學在學校學習的相片或短片,從而認識子女中學生活的點滴,還可以與班主任面談,達到家校交流的目的。
  • 中三级:家長聆聽有關高中選科、備戰高中課程的專題講座,然後與班主任交流經驗,期望能夠支援子女勇敢面對由初中到高中的困難
  • 中四和中六级:大會邀請學友社總幹事吳寶城先生主講新高中學制下的多元出路,出席的家長和同學都獲益良多。
